Tell your story, too.

I am hard of hearing and wear two hearing aids. Please join me if you are, too. Tell your stories here. Perhaps together we can solve the problem of not being heard and understood by the makers of hearing aids. I feel like this is a human rights issue.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Desperately seeking....analog hearing aids

I stumbled across this article about a blind person who also wears hearing aids.  I can't believe my eyes that there's someone who can put in to words what I experience about the difference between analog and digital.  Digitals make me crazy, and I think this person nailed it: time delay.  The bold type is my own emphasis.  At the article's site, there are posts in the comment section that I thought helpful.

Desperately Seeking...Analog Hearing Aids

Wednesday January 30, 2008
Apparently, digital hearing aids are not for everyone. I received this e-mail from an visitor. It is long, but the person gives a clear explanation of why digital hearing aids will not meet his needs. After the e-mail is my response, which included a list of companies that still make analog hearing aids:
I am seeking sources for programmable analog hearing aids.

I have a moderate hearing loss, and am also blind. For me, hearing is more than simply a way to communicate, it is a limited form of vision. I navigate among objects in my immediate environment through a process known as echo-location, which involves hearing sounds that i originate, echoing off of objects near by. This is a very subtle process, and digital hearing instruments destroy key information required to perform it.

Since I still have usable hearing left, I am looking for a way to simply supplement my hearing. The open-ear variety of digital aid has been recommended to me.

However, all digital hearing aids I have evaluated so far introduce a certain amount of delay in the signal path, which is a time lapse from the instant a sound impulse is detected at the microphone, until the time it is actually reproduced by the instrument. This finite time delay results in a form of echo, which causes navigational confusion and unwanted sound coloration, especially as it relates to the sound of my own voice.

I am hearing two copies of the sound, one of them direct and immediate through the open ear, and the other delayed by a few milliseconds as it passes through the digital wizardry. From my experience as an electrical engineer, I know that analog amplifiers do not introduce delays of that magnitude.

Really, I simply want to find a nice clean analog aid, but with a few of the nice extras, such as dynamic range compression to deal with recruitment, and a programmable frequency response curve.

Please help! All three audiologists I have visited so far are pushing the digital solution, which just doesn't work for me, and decline to give me any leads on analog devices since *they*, the audiologists in question, don't happen to handle them. Any leads you can offer would be *very* much appreciated.
My response:
I did some research and found these companies still make analog or programmable analog hearing aids:

  • Audina
  • Phonak
  • Rexton - - their site says they do sell analogs as BTEs.
  • Rion - their site says they do have very basic aids, which might mean analog.
  • Unitron
Are there any companies that I missed? Fewer and fewer companies are making traditional analog hearing aids but as that e-mail demonstrates, there are still some people who need them.

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